Vacation Bible School was held at St. John’s on Monday, August 2 through Friday, August 6. A total of 91 students attended throughout the week. The children learned what it means to be a member of “Team Jesus.” Through Bible stories, songs, crafts and games the students were blessed to grow in their faith and the love of the Lord. The children shared that good news at the VBS program on Thursday and at the Care Center on Friday.
VBS is possible only because of the fantastic cooperation of so many of St. John’s members who give freely of their time and talent. We express deepest appreciation again to: Teachers: LouAnn Gotch, Ginesa Klocke, Kelsey Frank, Kris Henke, Pat Dahl, Darwin Kuhlman, Becky Fredricksen, and Vince Meyer. Aides: Terry Jensen, Kim Frank, Emily Fritsch, Nick Vetsch, and Stan Tordsen. Craft Helpers: Lana Emmons, Sharon Hart, and Kathy Tordsen. Snack Workers: Kathy Boettcher, Mike & Jan Sampson, Kelli Wilson, Käthe Schroeder, and Melinda Rud. Jennifer Reed made the chancel decorations. Bruce Narveson was our photographer who captured many great moments! Dave Erickson taught middle school and was also the craft and game coordinator. VBS week is always an exciting and blessed time at St. John’s.
We also thank members of the Christian Service committee who organized the picnic and everyone who helped with the VBS/Church picnic on Thursday evening, August 5. It was great to see so many people working together for such a great event. VBS week is always an exciting and blessed time at St. John’s. Thank you everyone!